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    Doctor in Medical square, Nagpur

    Dr.  Dhanajay Vithalkar

    Dr. Dhanajay Vithalkar


    34 Years Experience

    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Sayali Clinic

    Dr.  Kamal R. Chhabrani

    Dr. Kamal R. Chhabrani

    Ophthalmologist/eye Surgeon

    20 Years Experience

    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Bhagyalaxmi Eye Care

    Near by Doctor in Medical square, Nagpur

    Dr.  Ajay C Kamble

    Dr. Ajay C Kamble


    13 Years Experience

    400 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Healthy Life Homoeopathy Multispeciality Clinic

    Dr. Mohan Padole

    Dr. Mohan Padole

    35 Years Experience

    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Saikrupa Ayurveda Panchkarma Hospital, Yog And Naturopathy Center

    Dr. Mangala Bansod

    Dr. Mangala Bansod

    51 Years Experience

    300 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Bansod Hospital

    Dr. Sunil A Baghel
    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Dr Baghel Multispeciality Dental

    Dr. Datta Wanjari

    Dr. Datta Wanjari

    59 Years Experience

    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Govind Ayurved

    Dr. Rasna Agrawal

    Dr. Rasna Agrawal


    25 Years Experience

    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Care Dental Clinic

    Dr. Anup Ashok Pusate

    Dr. Anup Ashok Pusate

    Cardiologist , Interventional Cardiologist

    17 Years Experience

    650 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur

    Hrudayansh Heart Clinic

    Dr. Ninad Shrikhande

    Dr. Ninad Shrikhande


    14 Years Experience

    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Medical College, Nagpur

    Aureus Hospital

    Dr.  Dhanajay Vithalkar

    Dr. Dhanajay Vithalkar


    34 Years Experience

    Sayali Clinic

    Medical College, Nagpur
    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr.  Kamal R. Chhabrani

    Dr. Kamal R. Chhabrani

    Ophthalmologist/eye Surgeon

    20 Years Experience

    Bhagyalaxmi Eye Care

    Medical College, Nagpur
    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic

    Near by Doctor in Medical square, Nagpur

    Dr.  Ajay C Kamble

    Dr. Ajay C Kamble


    13 Years Experience

    Healthy Life Homoeopathy Multispeciality Clinic

    Medical College, Nagpur
    400 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Mohan Padole

    Dr. Mohan Padole

    35 Years Experience

    Saikrupa Ayurveda Panchkarma Hospital, Yog And Naturopathy Center

    Medical College, Nagpur
    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Mangala Bansod

    Dr. Mangala Bansod

    51 Years Experience

    Bansod Hospital

    Medical College, Nagpur
    300 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Sunil A Baghel

    Dr. Sunil A Baghel

    Dr Baghel Multispeciality Dental

    Medical College, Nagpur
    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Datta Wanjari

    Dr. Datta Wanjari

    59 Years Experience

    Govind Ayurved

    Medical College, Nagpur
    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Rasna Agrawal

    Dr. Rasna Agrawal


    25 Years Experience

    Care Dental Clinic

    Medical College, Nagpur
    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Anup Ashok Pusate

    Dr. Anup Ashok Pusate

    Cardiologist , Interventional Cardiologist

    17 Years Experience

    Hrudayansh Heart Clinic

    Hanuman Nagar, Nagpur
    650 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Ninad Shrikhande

    Dr. Ninad Shrikhande


    14 Years Experience

    Aureus Hospital

    Medical College, Nagpur
    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic

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