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    Orthopedist in Digras bk, Nagpur

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    Near by Orthopedist in Digras bk, Nagpur

    Dr. Mukesh Laddha

    Dr. Mukesh Laddha


    22 Years Experience

    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur

    Shoulder And Knee Clinic

    Dr. Jitendra Yadav

    Dr. Jitendra Yadav


    12 Years Experience

    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Gittikhadan, Nagpur

    Dr Jitendra Yadav's Clinic

    Dr. Rupak Chatterjee

    Dr. Rupak Chatterjee


    11 Years Experience

    200 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Samartha Nagar, Nagpur

    Oasis Nursing Home

    Dr. Laghvendu Shekhar

    Dr. Laghvendu Shekhar


    24 Years Experience

    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Swavalambi Nagar, Nagpur

    Shekhar Hospital

    Dr. Parag Patil

    Dr. Parag Patil


    25 Years Experience

    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Swavalambi Nagar, Nagpur

    Gajanan Orthopedic Clinic

    Dr. Sourabh Shirguppe

    Dr. Sourabh Shirguppe


    24 Years Experience

    800 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur

    Wockhardt Super Speciality Hospital (Nagpur)

    Dr. Priyesh Dhoke

    Dr. Priyesh Dhoke


    21 Years Experience

    800 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur

    Wockhardt Super Speciality Hospital (Nagpur)

    Dr. Manoj J.pahukar

    Dr. Manoj J.pahukar


    26 Years Experience

    800 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur

    Wockhardt Super Speciality Hospital (Nagpur)

    Dr. Anil Masand

    Dr. Anil Masand


    36 Years Experience

    300 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Sadar, Nagpur

    Masand Nursing Home

    Dr. Harish Gidwani

    Dr. Harish Gidwani


    24 Years Experience

    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Jaripatka, Nagpur

    Apex Hospital

    No Data Available

    Near by Orthopedist in Digras bk, Nagpur

    Dr. Mukesh Laddha

    Dr. Mukesh Laddha


    22 Years Experience

    Shoulder And Knee Clinic

    Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur
    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Jitendra Yadav

    Dr. Jitendra Yadav


    12 Years Experience

    Dr Jitendra Yadav's Clinic

    Gittikhadan, Nagpur
    150 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Rupak Chatterjee

    Dr. Rupak Chatterjee


    11 Years Experience

    Oasis Nursing Home

    Samartha Nagar, Nagpur
    200 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Laghvendu Shekhar

    Dr. Laghvendu Shekhar


    24 Years Experience

    Shekhar Hospital

    Swavalambi Nagar, Nagpur
    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Parag Patil

    Dr. Parag Patil


    25 Years Experience

    Gajanan Orthopedic Clinic

    Swavalambi Nagar, Nagpur
    500 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Sourabh Shirguppe

    Dr. Sourabh Shirguppe


    24 Years Experience

    Wockhardt Super Speciality Hospital (Nagpur)

    Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur
    800 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Priyesh Dhoke

    Dr. Priyesh Dhoke


    21 Years Experience

    Wockhardt Super Speciality Hospital (Nagpur)

    Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur
    800 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Manoj J.pahukar

    Dr. Manoj J.pahukar


    26 Years Experience

    Wockhardt Super Speciality Hospital (Nagpur)

    Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur
    800 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Anil Masand

    Dr. Anil Masand


    36 Years Experience

    Masand Nursing Home

    Sadar, Nagpur
    300 Consultation Fee at Clinic
    Dr. Harish Gidwani

    Dr. Harish Gidwani


    24 Years Experience

    Apex Hospital

    Jaripatka, Nagpur
    100 Consultation Fee at Clinic

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